Donation Acceptance Policy
Purpose: To define policy and procedures governing the acceptance of donations from sources or for purposes suspected of being contrary to COTA's best interests.
Policy: COTA invites and enjoys business sponsorship supporting COTA's mission, vision, and our programs. COTA does, however, retain the right to refuse any potential business sponsor donation that COTA board does not feel is appropriate, is misaligned with our mission and purpose or given in exchange for COTA's endorsement of a business' products or services.
Applicability: Policy applies to monetary or in-kind donations from businesses or individual entities and to grant applications
Implementation: Normally donations to COTA are uncontroversial and graciously accepted. There may be an occasion where the donation source may be involved in business activities or newsworthy events that could taint COTA's reputation by its acceptance.
Donations will generally be accepted:
From organizations with a specific connection to trails, mountain biking, advocacy or education
From organizations who benefit from the existence of the area's trails
From organizations with a presence in the local community, such as a local employer or business
Other organizations approved by the board
Donations will not be accepted:
When acceptance requires direct or implied COTA endorsement of the donor's product or services or the use of the COTA name or logo on marketing materials.
When offered in exchange for COTA or COTA member support of the business activity (e.g. Race promoter offers a donation for a number of hours COTA volunteers work to support the race)
Procedures: When a donation or grant is called into question, the following procedures will be followed:
The Donor Relations committee will evaluate any donation that is called into question, ideally prior to its acceptance; however, the committee will evaluate past questionable donations when needed. The committee will discuss any such donations and make a recommendation to the Executive Committee (if time sensitive) or Board of Directors for approval. The decision of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors will be final.
Grant applications will be evaluated by the Grants Coordinator and/or Donor Relations committee prior to submittal. If the Grants Coordinator and/or Donor Relations committee does not think the grant is questionable, the application may be submitted. If they think it is questionable, the grant will not be submitted or a recommendation will be made to the Executive Committee (if time sensitive) or Board of Directors for resolution. The decision of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors will be final.
Policy #2.4
Purpose: To define policy and procedures governing the acceptance of donations from sources or for purposes suspected of being contrary to COTA's best interests.
Policy: COTA invites and enjoys business sponsorship supporting COTA's mission, vision, and our programs. COTA does, however, retain the right to refuse any potential business sponsor donation that COTA board does not feel is appropriate, is misaligned with our mission and purpose or given in exchange for COTA's endorsement of a business' products or services.
Applicability: Policy applies to monetary or in-kind donations from businesses or individual entities and to grant applications
Implementation: Normally donations to COTA are uncontroversial and graciously accepted. There may be an occasion where the donation source may be involved in business activities or newsworthy events that could taint COTA's reputation by its acceptance.
Donations will generally be accepted:
From organizations with a specific connection to trails, mountain biking, advocacy or education
From organizations who benefit from the existence of the area's trails
From organizations with a presence in the local community, such as a local employer or business
Other organizations approved by the board
Donations will not be accepted:
When acceptance requires direct or implied COTA endorsement of the donor's product or services or the use of the COTA name or logo on marketing materials.
When offered in exchange for COTA or COTA member support of the business activity (e.g. Race promoter offers a donation for a number of hours COTA volunteers work to support the race)
Procedures: When a donation or grant is called into question, the following procedures will be followed:
The Donor Relations committee will evaluate any donation that is called into question, ideally prior to its acceptance; however, the committee will evaluate past questionable donations when needed. The committee will discuss any such donations and make a recommendation to the Executive Committee (if time sensitive) or Board of Directors for approval. The decision of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors will be final.
Grant applications will be evaluated by the Grants Coordinator and/or Donor Relations committee prior to submittal. If the Grants Coordinator and/or Donor Relations committee does not think the grant is questionable, the application may be submitted. If they think it is questionable, the grant will not be submitted or a recommendation will be made to the Executive Committee (if time sensitive) or Board of Directors for resolution. The decision of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors will be final.
Policy #2.4