2016 PrinEville Bike Park |
Photos By: travisholman.com
The Prineville Bike Park Story
The idea for the Prineville Bike Park originated when a group of young Prineville BMX riders attended a COTA Crook County Chapter meeting and pleaded for a new place to hone their bike skills. COTA took the idea of a bike park to the Prineville City Council and the Crook County Parks and Recreation District and together these three entities collaborated to make it a reality. This community bike park has 4 progressive jump lines, a strider bike track, a pump track and a skills loop. It is located adjacent to Ochoco Creek Park on Juniper Street in Prineville and is open from dawn to dusk weather permitting. Funding and donations in kind came from many sources including Ford Family Foundation, Crook County Rotary Club, Oregon Community Foundation, Prineville Facebook Data Center, Crook County Parks and Recreation District, SMAF Construction, REI, Prineville Kiwanis Club, Les Schwab, Crooked Tails Veterinary Clinic, , Mann-Crawford Community Foundation, Bend Broadband and community fundraising events and individual donations. Dirt Mechanics was hired to construct the bike park and were assisted by about 1000 COTA volunteer hours. This summer COTA Crook County and the Crook County Parks and Recreation District will be launching an “Adopt a Jump program” to help park users give back to the bike park by “adopting” a jump to maintain. COTA Crook County Chapter is also working with the Crook County Parks and Recreation District to plant some trees and other vegetation at the park. |
Check it out on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PrinevilleBikePark/
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