Know before you go! Check out the latest trail restrictions shared by our friends at the Forest Service before you head out on your next ride in the Phil’s trail network and across Hwy 41 at the Aspen/Dillon Falls/Lava Island areas. BEND– As more recreationists return to trails this spring, the Deschutes National Forest reminds visitors that forest restoration work including commercial thinning and mowing (mastication) continues within West Bend Project area west of Bend. Road, trail and area closures are in place where restoration work is occurring to protect the public. Operators on large equipment cutting and moving trees cannot see people and may not be able to prevent a serious injury to someone walking or riding in an area. In addition, mastication causes debris to fly across areas and can throw material over 500 feet from the equipment. As work is completed and areas are safe to enter area closures will be reduced in size. For your safety we ask that you know about road, trail and area closures before you visit the Forest and plan your trip accordingly. If people are out on the weekend and need more information, the Cascade Lakes Welcome Station remains open on weekends through Memorial Day and then seven days a week. Area closure (see attached map): The area generally between Cascade Lakes Highway, Storm King Trail, Voodoo Trail and COD is closed to cross country travel. The area generally between Lava Island Trailhead/Boating Site south to Aspen Trailhead/Boating Site is closed to cross country travel. Though trails are closed Lava Island, Big Eddy and Aspen Day Use sites remain open. Trails closed Monday – Friday (see map):
The Forest Service encourages visitors to KNOW BEFORE YOU GO by bookmarking our interactive map For information on where to ride during the closure, people can contact the Bend Fort-Rock Ranger District (541-383-4000), Central Oregon Trail Alliance, local outfitters and guides, or local bike shops. Here is a general list of places for people to ride during the closure: Early Season (Now-May 15th) : East of Bend, Horse Butte, Horse Ridge, Cline Buttes area (Maston, Juniper, Tumalo Canals – Between Tumalo and Eagle Crest), Peterson Ridge (Sisters), Radlands (Redmond), Lower 66 (Prineville) and Grey Butte/Skull Hollow (Smith Rock) Mid-Season (May 15-August 15): Wanoga area trails, Swampy area trails, Skyliner area trails, Mt Bachelor Bike Park, Mrazek Trail through Tumalo Falls and/or Shevlin Park, Newberry Crater and Swamp Wells Trails (late June opening) and Ochocos area trails (late June opening) Late Season (August 15-snow season) All trails listed in Mid-Season plus: Flagline to Swampy area and the High Lakes area. Comments are closed.