The 2018 Oregon Mountain Biking Coalition Summit is fast approaching so save your seat! As you may know, in 2017 a group of like-minded, let’s-make-it-happen mountain bike advocates throughout our great state of Oregon came together and kicked off the 1st annual statewide summit in Bend. They’re at it again this year, determining goals for the OMBC in 2019 and beyond, stewardship collaborations, and advocacy priorities. The Summit is free, but you must pre-register here> 2018 Oregon Mountain Bike Summit registration form. Learn more about the OMBC/Oregon Mountain Biking Coalition here. The OMBC Summit on Saturday follows the Thursday/Friday Oregon Trails Summit, which focuses on ALL trail users: hikers, horses, mountain bikers, OHV riders. More information that can be found here. We're excited to get everyone together to collaborate and make our voices heard as Oregon continues on its path as a top-notch mountain biking mecca (for residents and visitors alike). See you in Bend! OMBC Steering Committee Jenna Berman - Team Dirt Adam Craig - Oregon Timber Trail Alliance (OTTA) Nick Gibson - Trans-Cascadia Woody Keen - Central Oregon Trail Alliance (COTA) Jeff McNamee - Salem Area Trail Alliance (SATA) Chris Rotvik - Northwest Trail Alliance (NWTA) Matthew Weintraub - Northwest Trail Alliance (NWTA) AGENDA for Saturday, October 6th, 2018 8-9am – Coffee/breakfast social 9am – Welcome and opening remarks - Nick Gibson 9:10am-10:30am – Panel Discussion: Regional public land managers and mountain biking: A look into the future and how a statewide organization could facilitate additional riding opportunities: Zach Jarrett – Recreation Program Manager, USFS, Region 6 Cailin O’Brien Feeney – Director, Office of Outdoor Recreation, OPRD David Moore – Recreation Planner, BLM Randy Peterson – Recreation Program Manager, ODF Jeff McNamee - Moderator 10:30am-10:45am – Break 10:45am-11:15am - Oregon Mountain Biking Coalition history and accomplishments - Gabe Tiller 11:15am-12pm – Advocating for access: The importance of lobbying and how we can begin to affect change on a statewide level - Matthew Weintraub 12pm-1pm – Lunch 1:00pm-2:30pm – Oregon Mountain Biking Coalition governance format presentation - Chris Rotvik, Jenna Berman, Woody Keen 2:30-3:30pm – The next steps: Where we go from here as a network - Adam Craig, Matthew Weintraub 3:30-5:30pm – Let’s go ride bikes! - Ride options and locations to be announced 6:30pm – Drinks at Seventh Mountain Resort Bar ![]() Comments are closed.