JULY 18TH UPDATE: You can email or mail in your supportive comments here if you didn't make the meeting last night.
Re: Big Sky Park, File Nos. 247-18-000105-CU and 247-18-000164-SP Comments in support (or opposition) can be directed to me since I am the Planner assigned to this case. It would be helpful if the comments reference the file numbers and/or park name noted above. You can send comments via email, regular mail, or hand-deliver to our office. Thank you. Cynthia Smidt | Associate Planner Deschutes County [email protected] ---------------------- July 14, 2018: If you're stoked about a full bike park in Bend with all the bells & whistles, you need to show up and voice your support at this public meeting and hearing by the County Planning Dept. The first public hearing (for the needed Conditional Use Permit) was controlled by park neighbors who have a NIMBY (not in my backyard) position on the planned bike park. We need to pack the house with bike park supporters to showcase the other side of the issue and speak out on how great a bike park would be for our community. We'd love to see parents with kids, young adults, and anyone else jazzed about this to speak about what an incredible addition this would be for Bend. PROJECT IN A NUTSHELL: In collaboration with community partners, a new bike park for beginners to professional riders in the undeveloped areas to the west and north of the existing sports complex will offer family trails, cross country trails, cyclocross courses, a slopestyle terrain park, dirt jumps, pump tracks and kids bike play/learning areas. Plans include a new entrance/exit that will serve as shared access for the park and Buckingham Elementary School, additional parking for 150-200 vehicles, and improved pedestrian circulation and safety. Located at the corner of Hamby and Neff Roads at 21690 NE Neff Rd. ---- A NOTE FROM BRPD: "There’s an important opportunity coming up next week that may be of interest for your attendance and participation. Deschutes County is holding a public hearing about Big Sky Park and visitors are welcome to share input about the proposed project. DATE/TIME: The hearing is at 6 pm on Tuesday, July 17, at the Deschutes Services Center located at 1300 NW Wall St in the Barnes and Sawyer Rooms, 1st floor. As a reminder, the permit is asking the County to allow Bend Park and Recreation District to build the amenities that we have designed for this phase of the park development. Those include increased parking, entrance from Neff, lighting, athletic field expansion and the bike park. At an earlier meeting in June, several neighbors opposed the development plan, arguing that more amenities will lead to more traffic and congestion in the area. If you’d like to share your viewpoint on the proposed project, you will need to sign up to speak. Testimony is limited to 3 minutes." LEARN MORE ABOUT THE PROJECT: Information, maps & schematics at Bend Park & Rec Department here.
Aaron Tarnow
7/18/2018 09:37:39 pm
I support the Bike Park. We need a permanent cyclocross course in Bend. A permanent course will allow us to host large events bringing more tourist dollars to the city during the slower fall season.
Seth Graham
7/18/2018 10:02:01 pm
I support a permanent bike park at Big Sky Park. I support the plan Park and Rec has proposed. Improvements are needed and the bike park will better match the needs of the, the community. Thanks for all the hard work with our tax dollars.
Brian Levering
7/19/2018 06:08:13 am
My family strongly supports the bike park.
Paul Hammerquist
7/19/2018 08:31:42 am
I think the proposed park is great idea and a good use of the existing park land.
Bonita Williamsen
7/19/2018 10:14:56 am
I support the Big Sky project.
Della Mosier
7/19/2018 10:26:32 am
This bike park fits the community of Bend by providing a place for families to exercise and connect with others in a positive environment.
Alyssa Scruggs
7/19/2018 11:42:06 am
I am a teacher in the Bend-La Pine school district and I strongly support the Big Sky project. In a time where it is all too easy for kids to spend their free time in front of screens, parks like this encourage kids and their families to get outside and play. This park represents our outdoor-loving community and would be an asset to our city.
Julann Moore
7/19/2018 12:27:02 pm
We support this bike park.
Leanya Guilyn Maros
7/19/2018 12:48:33 pm
My family strongly supports this bike park! Would be a welcome addition to Bens
Craig Mavis
7/19/2018 01:01:13 pm
This has been a long time coming....I support the project to the fullest. Cyclocross and short track MB events has been growing in the community...this supports the young folks as well as the older folks....nice work by everyone involved...let's keep this momentum going......thanks....
Glen Scruggs
7/19/2018 04:33:09 pm
I support the planned park. One of the best things about Bend is it's parks and their being tailored to the interests of the community. We have a city park in our neighborhood and it's a phenomenal asset.
David Sailors
7/19/2018 08:03:50 pm
I am in support of the bike park at Big Sky Park. This is public land and it should be shared by all and a nine park would be a great addition to the baseball and soccer fields. Thanks
Thom Pastor
7/19/2018 08:20:35 pm
I fully support the bike park as an addition to eastside recreation. Kids on this side of town do not have access to other cycling areas without parents driving them. Now we'll be able to ride our bikes with our kids to trails and courses designed for bikes and riders of all ages.
Kieffer Tarbell
7/19/2018 10:11:17 pm
I see no downsides to the addition of the bike park to the existing Big Sky Park. I fully support the plan.
Jeff J Johnson
7/20/2018 07:22:14 am
I am fully in support of a bike park at Big Sky... this is great for the kids, youth, adults and the community as a whole. Let’s make this happen. The plans are well done. Thanks, Jeff.
Eric Valleton
7/21/2018 07:48:55 am
This new bike park would be fantastic for our community. Parks like this help promote an active, healthy lifestyle and keeps people engaged with their community. My family and I are fully supportive of the proposed Big Sky bike park.
Nikki Thommen Bingham
7/22/2018 07:35:45 pm
My husband and I support this project. East Bend can use some more outdoor activities for the whole family, and this park, in our own neighborhood, would mean not having to drive all the way out to Phil's every time we want to ride with our son. What a fun idea. Please do it! Comments are closed.